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Showing posts from November, 2013

The G Family

This week my husband and I went to Colorado to spend the holidays with his family. I was so excited to line up some out of state sessions! These boys were just awesome. They are just 1 year apart, and were full of energy. We got plenty of photos between their sword fighting!

The T Family

I was just thrilled to be contact by the T family this month! It had been about a year since I'd last seen their family. This guy had grown up so much, but was still just as smiley as ever! When I last saw him, one of the only words I heard him say was "tractor". Then when we met up again this weekend, he never stopped talking, and was so cute! Such a wonderful family! 

Baby K

Less than one month ago I was taking photos of this little girl in her mommy's tummy! I can't believe she is here and already two weeks ago. This little girl did so well during her photo session! We laughed pretty hard when we put her on her tummy, and she kept kicking her legs, moving herself across the floor. She was squirmy, but we got wonderful photos!

Baby L

This little guy was my first of two newborn sessions this weekend. He was in the Christmas spirit already :) He wasn't quite as thrilled with how early we made him get is picture taken, but he was a a trooper! Such a sweet little boy!

J & B

This couple reminded me so much of my husband and me. They met in undergrad, fell in love and are engaged to be married while perusing further education! Aren't they just precious :) I wish you both luck in all of your wedding planning and finishing up school! 

The S Family

The S Family has been one of my longest and dearest clients :) Since I started taking photos of them, they have since had a new little girl, who is just the most precious things ever. This family is wonderful, and I love spending time with them doing pictures. They always make taking photos a breeze! The perfect way to end my Saturday sessions!    

The H Family

Is this kid a cutie or what?! He loved to laugh and smile, but not always at me :) This family was my first session in the Old Market for quite some time, and I'd forgotten how much I love taking photos down there. This little guy was full of energy, and loved telling me what sound a turkey makes (and made the cutest "gobble gobble" sound) What a sweetie! 

The D Family

We had such a wonderful time in the Old Market with this great family! Everyone enjoyed being outside, there were no tears and lots of big smiles! It was a little windy but everyone hung in there and made it work just perfectly. Such a beautiful family and wonderful personalities :)  

The R Family

This lucky family won a free session with me this week. I've partnered up with a few local bloggers to help advertise my business, and its been a real success! This family was just wonderful! Sometimes when I have sessions I feel like I'm just hanging out with some new people, rather than working and this was one of those days. We were so lucky to have such beautiful weather this weekend, and still have lots of leaves around. Thankfully fall hasn't left us quite yet. 

The L Family

Another beautiful day in November, and another beautiful session! This Iowa family came into Omaha for a session this week. They were living in the south up until this Spring, and one of these little guys had the sweetest southern accent. Everyone did so wonderfully! Lots of smile, and no complaints. The kids really hung in there and took direction so perfectly! They were such a fun family to get to know during their session.

The J Family

I know I often talk about how impressed I am will well behaved children, but as a photographer, you really appreciate when they are such good listeners and take direction well. This is another one of those families with perfectly wonderful boys. The J Family was so much fun! We explored Elmwood Park last evening and loved every minute of it. Mr. J is in the military, and it was so great seeing how he played and hung out with his sons. Such a wonderful evening! 

My Parents

This month my parents asked me to take photos of them for a Christmas gift. Let me just say, we've never really done photos together before and I enjoyed how surprised they were that I was so "professional".  Of course I love my parents, and I love how funny they are. In my opinion, the more you know people the better the session is. You can really capture who they really are. I love getting to know my clients as we take photos, as I think it really enhances the overall product.  So these are my wonderful parents! My dad is also into photography, and helped me when I first started photography (I started on film only, and loved it. If you've developed your own photos, you'll never forget that wonderful smell of a darkroom). My dad also taught me to be a business woman, and gave me my first (and second) photoshop program. My mom is creative and artsy and always encouraged me to think outside the box and craft all the time! They helped me buy my very first d

The K Family

I'm always impressed by clients who really put a lot of thought into what they will wear, and the K family is one of them! I love that they went with these colors, as it was so bright and cheerful. This was such a wonderful family. It was a little chilly out, but they were troopers! This little girl is going to be a big sister soon! Even if she wanted a little sister, I told her speaking from a little sister perspective, that she will be glad she is getting a brother so she doesn't have to share clothes!