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Showing posts from April, 2016

Lever Wedding

We've been talking with the Bride and Groom from the Lever wedding for a long time now...and we are just so thrilled their big day finally arrived! These two had a truly beautiful wedding, and she looked gorgeous! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Lever!! 

H Family

Oh boy, where do I even begin with this family! I've know Mrs. H for likely my entire life, and I loved photographing her family of three! We were celebrate this little guy's 1/2 birthday! He is 6 months old, and just so giggly and cute! 

Z Family

I was so thrilled we were able to reschedule the Z family session after all my Lincoln sessions were rained out last month! We had a great session in the park, and so did their dog! What a perfect little family of 3! 

Baby Z

Baby Z was born lovingly a month early, so even though he is two weeks old in his newborn photos...he is still just an itty bitty little guy! We had a lot of fun capturing how new and perfect he is in our home studio! 

A & K Engagement

What a beautiful Spring day for engagement photos! The trees were blooming, and we were able to get some awesome shots Saturday morning! We spent a little time talking wedding details, and I can't wait to see these two again on their big day!