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Showing posts from March, 2016

When Should My Photographer Show Up?

As you're approaching your wedding of the most common questions I am asked is: "When should I have you, the photographer, show up on the day of my wedding" Great question, and like many answers when planning a wedding I depends! When I am asked this question, there is a lot more I need to find out about your day before I give you an answer. A few of those questions are:  -When is your hair appointment? -Do you want a photographer present when you are getting ready? Such as during your hair or makeup appointment? -Will photos with family and wedding party be before or after the ceremony? -What time is your reception? -What time is your ceremony? -How large is your family and how many combinations of family photos are you looking for? -Are we changing locations for ceremony and family/bridal party photos? How far away are the locations? -Will your bridal party and family be on time? (if not, make sure to tell them to arri

K Family

This amazing couple is expecting a baby this Spring! These two decided not to find out the gender of their newborn, and you can tell they are just thrilled to be expecting! I found out these two were just married last year, so they were fresh from wedding photos are ready to be photographed (they laughed when they told me this is their honeymoon baby!) So much fun, and can't wait to see their little one grow up! 

Happy Easter from Our Family to Yours!

Happy Easter from Lady Grey Photography! We tried our hardest to take a family photo on Sunday! Thankfully it went okay, but these two siblings HATE being around each other. I've never had cats that don't get along, but Lady Grey and Gallifrey wanted nothing to do with being in the same room together. You'll see one of our outtakes before where Lady Grey head-butted me, resulting in the bloody lip (mine...not his) and a nice little bump. Needless to say the most photogenic in our family, Kevin and and Gallifrey got a great photo together in their Easter best!  

Noah- 3 years

I've been watching Noah grow up for quite some time now, and so far this year (age 3) has been my favorite! He is so great at talking about everything he sees, and loves to explore! I got quite the workout in chasing this guy around the trees and park to get some photos to remember this fun age!  

Capitol Lincoln

We scheduled a whole day of sessions in Lincoln this weekend, but sadly the rain kept us from holding them outdoors! Fortunately one of my favorite places in all of Omaha is the State Capitol Building...which made for an easy switch for these two boy's sessions! 

M Family

We had a home mini session with the M family this past week! We were celebrating this guy turning 1 year old! We gave him some cupcakes and let him enjoy throwing them (often onto the carpet!) and tasting a bit of frosting, but seemed to like playing more than the eating!